Medical Care
The ambulance in Krajiška Suza is opened from 8 h to 16 h with one attending nurse.
Doctors work four times per week (2 weeks – a doctor for workers and a physiatrical doctor).
Medical care is provided for the all beneficiaries, where we keep info on their health state – a card with all illness diagnoses and prescribed therapies, blood pressure control, blood sugar control and a card for prescribed medications for the elders who can not pay. Huge attention we payed to educate elders about the importance of controling their health state, that leads to chronical diseases and also to a greater need for care and expenses of curing and having new illnesses.
The ambulance is opened every day where we provide different kinds of medical services: blood sugar and blood pressure control, wood bondings, injections, infusions, EKG, therapy taking consulting, food and illness info, etc. For all elders who are hardly mobile or due to a bad health condition can not visit the ambulance, a medical nurse and a helping nurse, according to the working plan or needs visit them in their homes and control their health conditions there.